ZModeler2 is Shareware product with the only limited functionality:
Importing feature. Free copy of ZModeler can be used for personal
purpose without profit (one can't sell or rent models made with free copy
of ZModeler). Free copy of ZModeler WILL NOT restrict you with neither
the time limiting nor tools functionality.
Development of this software took a real long and still takes a lot of
time and effort, so author expect some profit for this hard work.
Terms and conditions
Here are additional terms and conditions you have to agree with before
registering ZModeler2:
This registration covers ZModeler 2.x versions only, those that available and
any upcoming upgrade or updated modules, or additional plugins. Only ZModeler 2.x
versions are in a subject. No other payments required for any updates of a kind.
Once newer ZModeler 2.x version released, you can activate it with your
registration key.
You are not allowed to reproduce, publish or make available on any
public archieves: (i) your copy of ZModeler2 or any part of it; (ii)
your Registration Code; (iii) any third-party imported materials (e.g.
stock game models within .z3d files or in any other format);
Import feature does not allow you to import files which were locked
by other ZModeler users;
Incidentally lost or stolen Registration Codes will be black-listed
and become non-functioning. You could be provided with new Code in such a case
only once.
You can register your copy of ZModeler2 for a price of $22.0 (USD).
This is the ultimate price, since ZModeler2 product is no longer evaluating.
All effort is now in ZModeler3 product and no new updates will be supplied
for ZModeler2.
How to register?
All the payments are made through BMT Micro,
Inc. or via PayPal in a secure form. Make sure to select a proper region or a country
of your residence, because availability of payment methods might be differnt.