IStatus interface overview

File      : API\core\IStatus.h
Namespace : core


Interface for supporting status or states. Most of scene elements (vertices, nodes etc.) are directly inherited from ZEntityBase and have status method to allow checking or changing items status or state. The rest of environment, that requires status is inherited from core::IStatus interface. This includes all tools, most of user interface elements (like menus, toolbar buttons, floaters and such).

Status is identified as a DWORD: bitwise-or combination of status bits.

Even if you unsure whether certain class need to inherit from core::IStatus, you can inherit it from a helper class core::CStatus.

Also, zmodeler exports helper functions to query IStatus on an interface and get it status:

// Declared in   : helpers\status.h
// uses namespace: core

//returns status bits combination on supplied interface
DWORD core::statusOf(ZUnknown* pUnk);

Interface methods

getStatus Obtains a status bits combination value.
setStatus Sets status bits combination value.
changeStatus Changes status by adding or removing some status bits.
checkStatus Checks status whether it contains all specified status bits.
See Also:
overview of namespace core
Status bits values