virtual ZRESULT mouseDown(core::IProcParams* pProcParams, DWORD nFlags, DWORD& nRetFlags);


Event handler for mouse button(s) pressed. This interactive tool's method is invoked when used presses mouse button and specifies which button(s) were pressed in nFlags. This argument includes also MK_CONTROL/MK_ALT/MK_SHIFT bits if according keys were held down.

Procedure parameters to act on.
Bitwise-or combination of MK_LBUTTON/MK_CONTROL/MK_SHIFT and so on values which indicate input flags at the moment of button pressing.
Optional ret-val arguent that can be filled with some ZRESULT_* bits to force view redrawing.


When user releases moust button, mouseUp method is invoked. But ZModeler does not warranty this method will be called if case of error or interruption. In such a case, interrupt method is called. So, make sure that mouseUp invoking is not a must after mouseDown.

See Also:
Interface overview and methods
mouseUp method