virtual ZRESULT apply(
                    core::IProcParams* pProcParams=NULL, 
                    DWORD* pRetVal=NULL);


The primary tool's function. It's purpose is to apply the tool to supplied data subset. In case procudure paraments (pProcParams) are not supplied, they can be obtained with IModeler::getProcParams method call. Tool can obtain subset that can be affected and should respect selected mode if needed.

If your tool modifies some node, make sure to invoke INode::changes method to indicate node changes. Also make sure to set pRetVal arguemt with proper update/redraw indications, so ZModeler can redraw view(s).

Procedure parameters to act on.
Optional ret-val arguent that can be filled with some ZRESULT_* bits to force view redrawing.
See Also:
Interface overview and methods
done method