ISkeletonNode interface overview

File        : API\scene\ISkeletonNode.h
Namespace   : scene
Derived from: scene::INode


Extendes scene::INode interface and represents skeleton. In current implementation, skeleton renders all it's bones. Also, skeleton local transformation does not affect binded soft-skin meshes. Thus, you can move, rotate skeleton with no affection to mesh.

Interface methods

setPosMode Sets skeleton's positioning mode. It will assking this positioning mode to all bones.
getPosMode Provides skeleton's positioning mode.
getBoneByID Provides scene::IBoneNode interface with supplied ID.
setCurrentBone Sets current bone ID. This is an ID of currently painting bone.
getCurrentBone Provides current bone ID. This is an ID of currently painting bone.
setWorldMatrices Sets world transformation matixes for soft-skining.
See Also:
overview of namespace scene
scene::INode interface
scene::IBoneNode interface
enum eSkeletonMode